• to secure for it's members, expansion of professional and scientific knowledge, exchange of information, allegation and corresponding valorization of knowledge and influence on educational, socio-economic, economic and scientific-technological country development,
  • to secure for it's members timely, necessary professional, scientific, technological and business information, within its availability for purpose of their involvement in processes of decision making and work, individually or through other forms of organization and involvement of the Committee ,
  • to initiate measures and acts to secure for it's members, employment, financial security and right to permanent education and prosperity in branch ,
  • to propose to the Government and organizations a solution regarding questions from open pit mining area (especially regulatory rules, standards, quality issues, measures and similar) and environmental protection related to it and other professional questions related to social and economical development of certain regions and of the country in whole,
  • to contribute, with its overall work and activities, to a more successful and efficient exploration, exploitation and primary processing of mineral substances, their rational and complex usage, substitution and import of mineral substances, environmental protection and engagement on the principles of sustainable development,
  • to secure for it's members mutual and external cooperation with adequate priorities and privileges in country and abroad.




Telephone: +381 (11) 3347 - 155 ; 3347 - 157
E-mail: office@jukom.org.rs


27. Marta 18 , Belgrade